Friday, July 24, 2009

Be My Designer!

Hey Ya'll. I say ya'll because I am finally trying to deal with the fact that I live here. Ever since I moved here 5 years ago I have been waiting to go back to Utah. With the economy the way it is and Ben just getting this really good job here I've realized that day is much further back then I would like. Thus, I've decided to put my energy into remodeling my kitchen. I have this really awesome Spanish tile but it does not go with anything else in the house so I am going to accommodate it by using a Tuscan theme. I have been searching and studying all kinds of designs and here is what I have already decided on: (these are pictures from the Internet, not my house)
This is the inspiration picture and color scheme.
This is what the tile in my house looks like already.My walls will be like the ones in this picture above.
The backsplash will be like the one in this picture.

Now the last choices are very important and I want your opinion. Which countertop do you like best?

Royal Casino
Something Lighter perhaps, Vecchio Oro

Tuscan Spice, this would obviously match all the traditional Tuscan colors.

I am currently stripping and sanding my cupboards. I plan on staining them. What color stain do you like best? Cherry, Dark, Medium, or light?

So if you don't mind I'd love your input and favorites on countertop and cabinet color. If you REALLY care and like this kind of stuff you can mix and match them next to each other at this website and let me know what combination you came up with. Very fun and helpful.

Thanks again,