Comments are cool because it gives me ideas for my next blog. Thanks Katy. That first blog was over a year old so our family has changed a bit since then. The newest addition is Kira the Pug. She is CRAZY. Long story short: I found her on Craigslist and the girl said she was abandoned at her hospital with a note that said, "I can't take care of her." It seemed a bit shady, but oh well, a pug for 100 bucks, WHO CARES! So when I brought her home she was so excited to be with me and she has never calmed down since. The vet thinks she had a pretty rough life and I became the first source of relief for her. Now she's attached to me like glue. You like that right eyeball? You should! Its cost me $500 dollars so far! She got an infection and now I have to put medicine in it every day for the rest of her life. But Dude, come on, I got a pug, so it's all good.
This was taken the same day as Kira's photo. You may notice Lucas rarely has clothes on in his pictures. This is because Lucas rarely has clothes on. It's so hot in Houston and he loves playing outside. It's just become easier to only dress him when we know we are leaving the house. Anyway, Lucas loves playing with the hose and beware if you are out there with him because he thinks it is hilarious to soak people.
There! Clothes!
Seriously, two you have a set the bar high. We are expecting great things!
Man, that sure is one cute kid!! I am sooo jealous you got a pug!! I LOVE pugs! I have heard that they are high maintainence with infections and stuff in their face though, which it sounds like you're experiencing. I really want one for our next dog, but it will take a lot of work talking Mike into it (don't tell Gus that I'm talking about our next dog, okay). In other news, Mike is on his way up the highest mountain in North America right now! Crazy huh! On average it takes 20 days to climb! Check out his progress at
500 bucks? I can see why someone gave her away. I bet Lucas loves all of your pets- jaxon would love a pet, maybe a fish one day. BTW- we probably can't come see you because he is MEGA allergic to cats- not dogs thank goodness. But you have cats and we wouldn't be able to stay there- DARN IT! need more pictures.....
Whoopsy! I am soo sorry to hear about your cats. But they are in cat heaven now........
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